Help Prevent the Toxic Effects of High Blood Sugar with Alpha Lipoic Acid
Research indicates alpha lipoic acid can reduce the formation of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs). Accumulation of AGEs can have unhealthy effects in the body, and lead to diabetic complications. (iv.57, 58, 74-75)

Figure IV.2: The Insulin Resistant Cell
How Are AGEs Formed?
Insulin helps transport glucose across the cell membrane. It does so by binding to insulin receptors, which are specific proteins in cell membranes. (iv.74, 76)
Damaged insulin receptors and/or not enough insulin decreases the amount of glucose absorbed by cells. At the same time, this leaves too much glucose in the blood. Excess blood sugar and one of its metabolites bind to proteins and create advanced glycation end-products. (iv.74-75)
AGEs Promote Complications in Diabetes
AGEs form toxic clumps in the blood vessels and other tissues. Studies show that diabetes leads to more AGE deposits in the brain and earlier onset of Alzheimer's disease than in non-diabetics. Other research suggests AGEs are the main cause for cardiovascular complications in people with diabetes. (iv.58, 74-75)
AGEs are also thought to contribute to other diabetic complications, such as: